Saturday, August 30, 2008

Meet Shayla Raine Wilmsen

Lori and I rushed to the hospital at 3:45am Wednesday morning after her water broke while we were sleeping. Her contractions took a long time to get started so it was decided to use medication to induce labor.

After the medication, Lori's contractions came on strong. They soon became quite painful, so we decided to get an epidural. At 10pm, Lori was dialated at 10cm and it was time to start pushing. 57min later, Shayla Raine Wilmsen was brought into the world.

When she came out we were expecting to have Lori breastfeed, however little Shayla had to be rushed to the intensive care nursery to get some help. It turns out she had a possible infection due to the length of the labor and needed to be observed for 48 hours. This meant that little Shayla could not room with us like we were planning on. Instead, we made the treck down to the NICU to feed our brand new daughter every couple of hours. Sleep? Hahaha! We now know what it means to have a newborn baby.

More to come once I get an hour of sleep...if thats possible. Take a look at the pictures.


Tina said...

She is absolutely beautiful!

I'm so glad you have started a blog....:)

Anonymous said...

She is so precious...I can't wait to see her!!!

Kare said...

I love her already! She is adorable and I can't wait to meet her.