Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Halloween came to Texas and we noticed there was another Tigger in the house. Can you guess which one is the real Tigger?

We spotted the imposter hiding inside a jack-o-lantern. Clever disguise....

Later, we followed a trail of wrappers and found that the imposter had gotten into the Halloween candy and had gorged herself...

Once captured, the Tigger imposter attempted to frighten us with her ferocious ROAR!

We were finally able to subdue her and she was so cute we dicided to keep her.


Sabra said...

Happy Halloween!

mmg said...

She is the cutest thing I ever saw. You made me laugh out loud with pure joy. Thanks so much. We loved the words as well.

David said...

Tigger and Tigger! I love it! Does the first Tigger get along with the second Tigger? Great pictures.

Tina said...

Mom went on and on about this post, and now I can see why!! I love the whole thing, but especially the imposter in the jack o lantern....:)